Faster reconciliations
It’s now possible and practical to reconcile large numbers of vendors with high transactional volumes.
More accurate reconciliations
Human error during the statement reconciliation process is reduced or eliminated.
Improved analysis
The summary of reconciliations and age analysis of reconciling items will provide supervisors and managers with a high-level overview of their accounts.
Simplified auditing
Supervisors, managers and auditors will always have access to the latest reconciliations.
Improved storage
All statement and reconciliation data reside on SAP, eliminating spreadsheet based reconciliations stored on a local hard drive or network folder.
Improved security
Anyone with SAP access will be able to view the reconciliation for a particular vendor account, provided they have the required authorisation.
Improved internal controls
The quality of internal controls within the Accounts Payable discipline will be dramatically improved.
Reduced paper wastage
Eliminating the printing of statements will result in dramatic paper savings.
Better utilisation of human capital
Creditors clerks will spend less time reconciling and have more time to resolve reconciling items, thereby adding true business value.