Supplier Statement Reconciliation

The reconciliation of supplier statements is arguably one of the most reliable controls in Accounts Payable. It addresses the audit objectives of completeness, accuracy and validity.

Our Supplier Statement Reconciliation™ (SSR™) application is a SAP-certified ABAP add-on that allows the capture, upload or interface of supplier statements on SAP and provides automated reconciliations between supplier statements and vendor accounts in Accounts Payable. This functionality is not standard in the SAP ECC (ERP Central Component) application.

SSR identifies

  • unrecorded liabilities
  • transactions captured incorrectly
  • invoices captured more than once
  • invoices already paid

SSR prevents

  • payment of invoices not on statement
  • payment of the same invoice more than once

SSR reconciliations are

  • automated
  • produced in real-time, and therefore always up-to-date
  • available at any time, not only at month-end or before payment is made
  • produced faster, more accurate and more reliable
  • performed consistently, making them easier to understand and review


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